I really don’t know what to expect of my first NY, USA show in 15 years.
Next Saturday. Come. Be kind.
The official website for the band Hefner and songwriter Darren Hayman
I really don’t know what to expect of my first NY, USA show in 15 years.
Next Saturday. Come. Be kind.
I hand-painted 20 covers for 20 CD EPs for the Independent Label Market on Saturday 12th July 2014 at Spitalfields. I’ll be on the WIAIWYA stall.
The EP features four new recordings of dog songs including one cover and one new composition.
I’ve also made the EP available for download from Bandcamp below. You get high quality scans of all the paintings with the download.
Buy from Bandcamp.
Just hours before our crucial deciding match I’ve decided to lend my musical support to the England World Cup Campaign.
….and so we come to the final Occupation and it is perhaps apt that we return to these three albums for these shows. The shows where I played Hefner songs obviously sold out quickest and on a few occasions we ran over to two nights. However these three albums, I feel, represent the best of what I do and I’m happy to indulge in these songs for an evening.
It’s about the place I come from and, despite the character lead songs,they are more about me then you might realise.
I will have the Secondary Modern with me for this show and support will come from Enderby’s Room (featuring Dan and Emma from the SM). We’re also trying to sort out some DJs for a post Occupation party downstairs afterwards.
Tickets Here. http://www.wegottickets.com/event/274091
13th June 2014
The Vortex
11 Gillett Square, London N16 8AZ
Doors 8pm
£12 Adv
Darren Hayman’s Occupation is a series of monthly shows at The Vortex, Dalston. There will be a mix of sets showcasing different albums, themes and special guests. This is not your standard indie gig:
“I love gigs. I hate gigs.
I want to play live and I love what shows can be, but I’ve found myself frequently stifled by the limitations of my career. I can’t play the plush, seated venues and I can’t experiment with a string section or play 20 minute opuses.
My music was born in the sticky floored rock venue. I like the sticky floored rock venue but I have had a hankering for something different recently. My own taste has veered towards free improv and jazz and although it’s hard to imagine that music influencing my own I do love the culture of live music in this genre.
Long sets, sometimes two, comfortable venues and a reverence and respect for the event and the moment; less talking, less cameras, more dynamics, less microphones.
I wondered if these would let an indie rock interloper amongst their ranks. My show at the Vortex back in last November was successful enough to make me think of playing a monthly residency there.
The idea is that each show is themed. I don’t want to go the whole predictable route of playing complete albums, but rather group, types of songs together for different evenings. Experiment, sometimes play two sets, sometimes have unlikely guests. I will be playing with members of my bands from through out my career as well as old friends like the Wave Pictures and Allo Darlin.
The Vortex is a beautiful venue. I’m trying to do something different; something, smaller, prettier. I hope you can come.”
Available to buy in limited (100) hand printed sleeve from http://glassreservoir.bandcamp.com/
Composed on a modular synthesizer, constrained by the length of the available tape for processing, this release from Darren Hayman is an elegaic paen to the work of Sir Edward Watkin, and his Wembley Eiffel Tower.
The album was recorded on a modular synthesizer, in six uninterrupted takes, the length being driven by the length of the tape it was recorded onto. Through selection of modules, including use of a clock divider and pattern generator, the modular synthesizer was configured then set free to select the notes played – there was no human intervention in the selection of notes. Through the vagaries of the tape mechanism and the random voltages of the synthesizer, new rhythms and arrangements were captured with each pass. There are six tracks of music and one vocal. The reverb was provided by an EMR:11 unit made by Electro Mechanical Research and the echo itself was also recorded onto tape. released 12 may 2014
1) Wembley Eiffel Tower
This release will be limited to 100 copies and available from Glass Reservoir direct. Glass Reservior
Chants for Socialists are a set of lyrics written by William Morris in the late 19th Century. They were to be sung to popular tunes of the time to promote ideas of fellowship and Socialism. Like everything else the remarkable Morris created the lyrics were intended to be beautiful and of use.
For about a year now cult folk/indpendent musician Darren Hayman has been setting these chants to new tunes and arrangements.
“As soon as I was aware of the Chants for Socialist lyrics I knew that I wanted to record inside the William Morris Gallery with a large group of singers,” says Hayman. “These songs are about fellowship and inclusion. I want people to come to the Willaim Morris Gallery and sing loud and proud.”
On the 28th May 2014 Darren Hayman would like to invite singers to come to the William Morris Gallery to take part in a recording session. Darren will teach the songs and direct the session. Lyric sheets and guidance will be given.
There is no audition process. Everyone is welcome to sing, although those that have some singing experience are positively encouraged to attend. The singing will take place in the landing on the first floor of the gallery and the session should last approximately two hours.
Soft drinks will be provided. The event is not suitable for children unfortunately.
Get there at 6:30 for a 7pm start. We will finish in time for last orders at the Bell.
There are just 30 free places available for this unique evening.
When we put out Lido we asked to make us videos.
Graeme Patterson said he would but that it would take a while. He only just finished.
Don’t let this slightly mistimed piece of marketing put you off.
More of Graeme’s art can be found here…